Yangtze River Headwaters Volunteering Day 28 长江源志愿工作第28天 Nina Corvus, 29/07/2020 This is a series of journals recording my days in the Yangtze River Headwaters volunteering project. I will try to update every day but there might be delays in the days I work in the wild without the internet. I’m also trying to write bilingual if time allows. Like it? Follow my Instagram (@anar.chica.yichenguo) for updates!这是我参与长江源志愿工作的一系列记录。我争取每日更新,但在野外工作没有网络的那些日子会有延迟。在时间允许的情况下,也会尽量使用中英双语。喜欢的话,关注我的Ins账号(@anar.chica.yichenguo)获取更新吧! Another day of deep cleaning. All are exhausted. In the evening a few of us gathered in the coffee room to listen to Xuebin playing the guitar. Although she’s a bit too modest (which reminds me of a chat with a soldier who came to rest in the post office a few days ago regarding to the different average personalities of Chinese and US people. Most of the people from US appear to be very confident when they are abroad (although sometimes it can be annoying), while many Chinese people somehow seem to be ’timid’. The Japanese are even worse in this case. Sometimes these people are so modest that they give away the credits and honers that should have belonged to them. But indeed they are not willing to do that, it’s just the boring ‘face’. It has nothing to do with whether they love their countries or not, it’s just the part of confucianism already out-dated for long and should be abandoned), all of us were soaked in her music. The sound of guitar, the voice of Xuebin, dim light and high stool… People who came here are mostly with an ‘abnormal’ attitude – the spiritual pursuit is much stronger than that of ’normal’ success. Various kinds of specialties can be found in these people. Of the less than 20 people combining the station and Bende Lake, there are around five or six guitarists and 2 bassists. And good photographers are even easier to find. There must be many other undiscovered skills. This made me very happy. People who are keen on environmental protection are not all (or mostly not) boring people with serious faces. They have their hearts chasing the nature, with more or less a little bit of chivalry in them. Sometimes you can see different people staring at the Tuotuo River for a long time, and you know whatever they are thinking about has nothing to do with the stink of money. 继续大扫除的一天,全体累趴。晚上在咖啡室听彬彬弹吉他,虽然她本人有些太谦虚(想起前两天和附近兵站的领导聊天,说到中美大众性格差异,美国人出来大都很自信(虽然有时候会招人烦),而中国人则更多唯唯诺诺,日本人则更甚。有时候自谦到把本属于自己的功劳或荣誉让给别人,而自己其实并不甘心,只是无聊的面子使然。这与爱国不爱国无关,却是儒家文化中早已不合时宜,需要摒弃的部分),但大家都听得入迷。吉他声,彬彬的歌声,昏暗的灯光,高脚凳。来这里的人大都有着不太“正常”的心态,精神追求更大于世俗的成功。十八般武艺样样都能觅到踪迹。保护站和班德湖两处加起来十几人有大约五六个吉他手和两个贝斯手,摄影大牛更是信手拈来。且必定还有许多未发现的隐藏技能。这让我非常开心。热衷环保的人,并不都是(甚至说绝大部分都不是)一本正经的无聊之辈。心向自然,多少有些仗剑走天涯的侠气。有时会看到不同的人望着沱沱河发呆,心中所想也绝不是任何铜臭相关之事。 Unfortunately I didn’t bring my cellphone. In the end Xuebin took pictures of me pretending to remember anything XD Living Out bilingualChinesejournaltravelvolunteer